If you entered our competition at SymfonyLive London 2015, you’ll know our lucky winner was Adam Daley who walked away with a brand new Xbox One, Gears of War: Ultimate Edition and NOW TV Entertainment pass.

We have a winner!! Adam Daley!!
To give our Symfony friends a little something extra, entrant to this year’s competition were also eligible to win one of our awesome runner up prizes; a set of lightsaber house keys! There were ten sets to give away, carrying on the fun of SymfonyLive London for us and for our followers.

space keys

Winners were chosen at random in line with our competition terms and conditions

Runner Up Prize Winners!

First Runner Up:  Mark Stevenson – @mstevenson83

Second Runner Up:  Toby Griffiths – @ToG

Third Runner Up: Jo Carter – @angelsk

Fourth Runner Up: Kacper Gunia – @cakper

Fifth Runner Up: Craig R Morton – @crmpicco

Sixth Runner Up: Jay Smith – @jayashleysmith

Seventh Runner Up: Fraser Pearce @_frazor_

Eighth Runner Up: Phil Leggetter @leggetter

Ninth Runner Up: Gareth Jones @gazj

Tenth Runner Up: Jez Emery @jezemery